Raising Awareness About Nursing Home Neglect & Abuse
October is Long-Term Care Planning Month. The month creates awareness among senior citizens and their caretakers to understand and prepare for the outrageous costs of healthcare for adults.
Long-term care includes nursing homes (also called long-term care nursing facilities), residential care communities, post-acute care, home health care, and adult day care services. Long-term care can also include assisted living and personal care homes.
Because many families increasingly have to rely on nursing homes, long-term care facilities, assisted living, and personal care homes to help care for their elderly loved ones, we would like to take the opportunity during long-term care planning month to raise awareness of nursing home neglect and abuse.
The signs of abuse and neglect may be very obvious or sometimes more subtle, including cuts and bruising, bedsores, change in mental status, dehydration, and more.
If you have concerns about a loved one’s care or condition, it’s important to follow your gut and common sense. If something does not seem right, speak up, ask about it and make sure you get a response with which you are comfortable; ask to speak to a charge nurse, supervisor, facility administrator, or attending doctor.
If you are not satisfied with the response, please reach out to an attorney at Cohen Feeley Altemose & Rambo. Our attorneys are experienced in investigating the care, injuries, and liability of the long-term care facility and our initial consultation is always free.