Case News | May 26, 2021

Partner Barbara Baldo Obtains $250,000 Settlement for Police Officer

Our client, a 54-year-old police officer, was rear-ended by a drunk driver, while on patrol. We alleged that he suffered multi-level herniated discs at C4-C5 and C5-C6 requiring fusion surgery. A dispute erupted with the Workers Compensation insurer over whether it could recover the money it paid for treatment. We argued that the payments were made under a separate law, the Heart and Lung Act, and it was not entitled to recover all the money it paid.

Our position proved correct when the Pennsylvania Supreme Court held in another case that benefits paid under Heart and Lung were not subject to repayment. As a result, our client would now receive all of the settlement money. Our partner, Barbara Baldo, attempted to mediate the case, but the mediation did not result in a settlement. She continued to press for a trial and then the Defendant increased the offer, resulting in a $250,000 settlement.

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