Blog | October 12, 2024

What Should I Do if Someone From the Trucking Company Calls Me Before I’ve Picked a Truck Accident Lawyer?

It is never advisable to speak to a representative of the trucking company or their insurance carrier after an accident with a tractor-trailer. The interviews are usually recorded and anything that you say can be used against you in their own defense of the case. Even worse, sometimes the information that you provide during a telephone interview will ultimately be incorrect or inaccurate. Be assured that the insurance company’s lawyers will use this to their client’s advantage in litigating the case. Don’t fall into that trap!

If you answer the telephone and it is a representative of the insurance company, advise them that you are not willing to submit to an interview or to answer any questions regarding the accident. Be sure to tell them that you are seeking legal representation and then advise them that you have nothing further to say.

You should then call the experienced attorneys at Cohen, Feeley, Altemose & Rambo. They will determine when—and if—any interviews take place.

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